Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Finally the end! I made it! What a learning process!

I'm quite impressed with myself for finishing this. When I
started I didn't know very much about all this web stuff.
Now I feel like when someone talks about it or asks about
RSS or Blogging at lest I have an idea of what their talking about.

Some of my favorite discoveries were:

RSS feeds-Now I know what that little icon means.
Goodreads-If I can keep up with it.
iTunes-Love the website. I down load music all the time
and will try podcasting more.

I thought it was almost to much information to retain.
I hope I can remember it all.
I didn't like signing up for websites that I knew I wouldn't use.

I was surprised with MySpace. I really was against having a MySpace
and put it off for awhile, but after getting it going and using it I like it.

I'm glad I did this class, I never would have learned about this on
my own.

Alternative Blogging

Microblogging, Twitter, Jaiku, Tumbler where do people have the
time to do all this stuff. I can't keep up with my blog let alone all
of these. I really don't want to know what people are doing every
minute of the day and I wouldn't want them to know what I was

The only good thing I could see with Twitter is companies that need
to keep in touch quickly.

Audio/Video: Video

Here is a video from YouTube, its one of our own!

I think these one minute critics are great for book talks. I think the
libraries could use videos for lots of things. Besides book talks they
could tell about programs going on in each library, do "how to" videos
and show what the library does.

All the different websites were a bit overwhelming for me.
I'm not into all that stuff so I probably won't use it.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Audio/Video - Podcasting

I've always been interested in Podcasting but never took the time to do it.
I looked at all three podcast directories and found easier for me.

Not to sure how to find things yet. The only thing I found that I was
interested in was in iTunes.It was for people who like to knit and read
books but don't have time to do both. It's called Craftlit.

I could see the library using it for book talks and letting people
know what programs are going on.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Audio/Video-Music and other Audio

I've have an ipod so I've done itunes before and love it. I didn't know that there were so many other music websites out there, should have known! After going through these websites I liked IMEEM the best for videos. I really like watching music videos, so this one was fun.
I haven't done and podcast downloading yet but will give it a try one of these days.
Some things that I don't like about these websites are you always have to sign up just to look around.
I'm not sure about using it in the library except I like watching the One Minute Critic on book talks, I'm sure you could do more with that.
I hope CDs are not dead but mp3 players are very popular!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Online Applications/Tools: Google Docs

I tried out Google Docs. I typed a document then sent it to my FVRL email.

I then opened my email, did some changes to the document, saved it

and sure enough it was on my original document. Pretty amazing!

The only draw back I could see was, I sent it to my husband but he

didn't have a g-mail account so he couldn't add to it.

I think Wikis are easier in that regard.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Cool Stuff

I played around with Wordshoot, Yahoo Answers and Scrabulous. I thought some of the games on Wordshoot were fun to play. Some of the other websites you had to register to get in and I didn't feel like registering to anything right now. I've checked out other people's MySpace and some are really cool. It's amazing what's out there.